4th Conference Cities For Children Network, Stuttgart May 2010
On behalf of Team Education of Utrecht Mohamed Jaater participated the yearly international conference in Stuttgart . Utrecht is also active in the working group Education. Also Anneke van der Kluit, International Affairs, attended.
The network, started in 2007 by initiative of the City of Stuttgart , follows the mission of creating a sustainable, childfriendly environment for living and learning in the cities participating in the network. All aspects are being discussed in working groups, such as Health, Youth Participation, Generation dialogue and Affordable housing and play areas.
The theme of this general conference was Informal education. Presentations and site visits gave possibilities to exchange knowledge about this theme. As 61 cities from 30 countries participate this meeting again was great for networking, an important step in creating partnerships for European funded projects.
Find more info on www.citiesforchildren.eu
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